Josef Pace is the owner of PhysioPoint & The Movement School Malta, Director of Rehabilitation within Da Vinci Health, Malta and Clinical lead Physiotherapist of Strength in Dance a newly set up venture aimed to spread the benefits of The Movement School Methodology within the dance world. He qualified as a Physiotherapist from the University of Malta in 2001, furthered his studies at master’s level in Musculoskeletal Medicine through Middlesex University London, is a certified MSK Sonographer through University of East London, Certified Pilates Instructor and a Certified Running and Movement Technique Specialist (CRTS) through The Running School UK. Since 2014 Josef Pace was appointed Head Physiotherapist of Swieqi United Football Club, Malta and in 2015 he set up the Emergency Department Physiotherapy Service within Mater Dei Hospital (national hospital) and since 2020 was appointed as manager of the out patient Physiotherapy Services within Mater Dei Hospital Malta.
Apart from being heavily involved in the sports scene and being appointed on the European COST platform of “Shoulder pain in Europe: Reducing the burden and Improving outcomes”, he is also a member of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science (IADMS) and since Dec 2022 he forms part of the CPD committee of IADMS. He is also a member of the Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine, is a UK registered Physiotherapist and has a keen interest in improving the management of dance performance and injury prevention.
Having been involved in the dance seen for over 20 years through his wife and daughter a vocational student at a leading UK Ballet School through which he could feel the lacuna of rehab specific and enhanced performance ability within this very unique dancer population a course specific module based on the methodology developed by Mike Antoniades founder of the internationally acclaimed performance and rehab centre the Strength in Dance project was born in 2021 developed in 2022 and implemented in 2023.